
Increase communication and sharing of information and practice across PreK and Kindergarten teachers, including classroom visitations.

Organize a second convening of PreK teachers, kindergarten teachers, and all early childhood

In May of 2017, the Working Group convened over 60 early childhood members including PreK providers, Norwalk Public Schools Kindergarten teachers, early childhood experts, and community members who defined the goals of the Workgroup as follows:

– Identify and align approaches for measuring and supporting children’s social/emotional learning development and readiness

– Engage parents in the transition

– Increase communication across PreK and Kindergarten teachers



A follow up convening is currently being planned with a goal of finalizing the selection of indicators (domains) that provide Norwalk’s early childhood community with the ability to define “entering kindergarten ready to learn.”






The importance of meeting the goal level in 3rd grade reading cannot be overstated. The work of the Prenatal to 3rd Grade Initiative culminates in improving the outcomes for our student readers. When we began our work, Connecticut was using the CMT as its standardized reading and math testing tool. In 2015-16 the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) testing became the standard. The graph below shows the results  from the past 3 years of testing on 3rd graders.